Symmetric Key Encryption with GnuPG

Posted by admin on November 4, 2009 under Tech Tips | Be the First to Comment

If you ever want to quickly protect a file by encrypting it with a simple password, you can use GnuPG and symmetric key encryption for the job. Using this method, you can use industry strength encryption like AES256 and not have to worry about public and private keys. Just remember your password and use PGP compatible software to decrypt the files when needed.

For example, this is how you can encrypt a zip file called and output the result to a new file called

gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo aes256 -o
Enter passphrase: *******
Repeat passphrase: *******

To decrypt the file, the following will work.

gpg -d -o
gpg: AES256 encrypted data
Enter passphrase: *******
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase

For fun, here’s how to create a Gzip Tar archive (tar.gz) and encrypt it on the fly.

tar czvpf - SomeFiles/ | gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo aes256 -o backup.tar.gz.gpg
Enter passphrase: *******
Repeat passphrase: *******

To decrypt and extract in a single command, the following also works.

gpg -d backup.tar.gz.gpg | tar xzvf -
gpg: AES256 encrypted data
Enter passphrase: *******
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase

If you’re curious to know what other ciphers are available to you, simple use the gpg --versioncommand.

gpg --version | grep Cipher

Extract NT Backup Files in Linux Using mtftar

Posted by admin on January 26, 2008 under Tech Tips | Be the First to Comment

If you would like to extract the contents of an NT backup (.bkf) file in Linux, mtftar is a utility that translates a Microsoft Tape Format (MTF) stream into the tar format. You can pick up mtftar from the authors site at

To get started, download the source code and compile.

$ wget
$ tar zxfv mtftar.tar.gz
$ cd mtftar
$ make
$ sudo cp mtftar /usr/bin/
- or -
$ su -c "cp mtftar /usr/bin/"

Using this utility is straight forward, as shown in the following example.

$ mtftar < MyBackup.bkf | tar xvf -
C:/Stuff/Pictures/Misc Family Photos
C:/Stuff/Pictures/Misc Family Photos/First Bikes
C:/Stuff/Pictures/Misc Family Photos/First Bikes/First Bikes 001.jpg
C:/Stuff/Pictures/Misc Family Photos/First Bikes/First Bikes 002.jpg
C:/Stuff/Pictures/Misc Family Photos/First Bikes/First Bikes 003.jpg
C:/Stuff/Pictures/Misc Family Photos/First Bikes/First Bikes 004.jpg
C:/Stuff/Pictures/Misc Family Photos/First Bikes/First Bikes 005.jpg

An alternate mtf reader for Linux can be found here at The site also references a PDF written by Seagate that describes the MTF format if you’re interested.